Working groups and regional projects
Cultural and Creative Industries Hub
The ICC HUB (Cultural and Creative Industries) is an initiative that acts as a control room between the Emilia-Romagna Region and the stakeholders of the cultural and creative sector. Its main purpose is to coordinate and support the activities of the actors in the regional ecosystem, facilitating collaboration and integration among different entities, such as clusters, laboratories, businesses, and associations.
Main functions of the ICC HUB:
- Operative Connection: Serves as a convergence point for the various entities involved in the sector, promoting synergies and collaborations.
- Activity Plan: Develops an annual work plan to identify opportunities, map services, and promote events.
- Support for Entities: Provides support in seeking funding and participating in regional, national, and European calls.
- Promotion: Takes care of promoting the HUB and recruiting new members, creating a network of contacts and opportunities.
- Monitoring and Analysis: Analyzes sector data to understand economic and employment dynamics, contributing to strategic planning.

Regional Committee for Talent Attraction
The Emilia-Romagna Region approved Regional Law 2/2023 on February 21, 2023, called “Attraction, retention, and enhancement of highly specialized talents in Emilia-Romagna,” a law created to attract and retain talents: highly specialized individuals who can find a job, a professional or research space, or embark on a path of further advanced training in Emilia-Romagna.
Furthermore, from the work of the group, a manifesto has emerged that groups together the founding values of the project.
Project partners
- Regione Emilia Romagna
Role of Clust-ER Innovate

Steering Committee of the investigation into the Academies
The Steering Committee is responsible for sharing objectives, methods, milestones, and timelines of the investigation as well as monitoring the results in progress
The objective of the investigation is to:
● Observe the evolution of Corporate Academies promoted in recent years by companies in Emilia-Romagna, with particular attention to realities connected with the Regional Strategy for Intelligent Specialization
● Obtain qualitative and quantitative information on regional Corporate Academies in terms of:
– Nature and characteristics of the training initiatives promoted;
– Type of recipients involved;
– Needs expressed
● Analyze the relationships between these realities and the territories and, in general, with the actors of the regional innovation ecosystem;
● Understand “how” and “if” the already existing Corporate Academies can be enhanced in a network logic similar to other existing networks in the regional innovation ecosystem;
● Understand how these realities can contribute to generating significant impacts on the quality of work and the attractiveness of the territories
● Define possible development perspectives and policy suggestions from the Region for the development and sustainability of corporate academies
Project partners
- Regione Emilia-Romagna
- ANPAL Servizi
- Fondimpresa
- Clust-ER Innovate
- Clust-ER Edilizia
- Clust-ER GREEN
- Clust-ER Agro
- Clust-ER MECH
Strategic Forum for the promotion of the regional aerospace supply chain
The Forum was created to allow the supply chains of manufacturing companies and service providers in the aerospace sector of Emilia-Romagna to contribute to national development and to establish a collective identity that is visible and identifiable.
The Forum operates as a place for aggregation and discussion among Emilia-Romagna companies, the most representative regional business associations, universities, and specialized research centers, also through specific working groups and the involvement of experts as well as the Italian Air Force and the national aerospace technology cluster (Ctna).
The Forum aims to strengthen and structure the aerospace supply chain of Emilia-Romagna, from large to small and medium-sized enterprises, from universities to research centers, through initiatives that enhance the regional role in European research networks and projects, accelerating the processes of internationalization in the space economy sector of the participating companies.
Furthermore, the work of the group has resulted in a manifesto that outlines the values that gave rise to the project.
Project partners
- Italian Air Force
- National aerospace technology Cluster (Ctna).
Role of Clust-ER Innovate

Tavolo Regionale Multistakeholder IT-ER
ART-ER Attractiveness Research Territory, on behalf of the Region, has launched a series of actions to attract and facilitate the presence of international talents in the region, in the interests of Universities, Research Centers, as well as Clust-ER Associations, Tecnopolis, the Network High Technology, through the identification and testing of replicable intervention models. In this context, the IT-ER – International Talents in Emilia-Romagna platform was born, dedicated to foreign students and researchers, as well as to young people from Emilia-Romagna, by birth or training, residing abroad. IT-ER accompanies and guides international talents interested in investing in their training and career in Emilia-Romagna, offering information on how to fit in adequately: from the visa request to relationships and in the area.
Project partners
- Regione Emilia Romagna
Role of Clust-ER Innovate

Skills Intelligence
The Skills Intelligence Emilia-Romagna tool shows, in interactive mode, data on skills and professional profiles sought by companies in Emilia-Romagna that operate in the specialization areas of the regional Smart Specialization Strategy. It is aimed in particular at operators in the world of training and higher education to encourage the updating of training courses in line with the needs of the regional labor market. The tool is made up of three areas: announcements, hiring and needs.
Project partners
The Skills Intelligence Emilia-Romagna tool shows, in interactive mode, data on skills and professional profiles sought by companies in Emilia-Romagna that operate in the specialization areas of the regional Smart Specialization Strategy. It is aimed in particular at operators in the world of training and higher education to encourage the updating of training courses in line with the needs of the regional labor market. The tool is made up of three areas: announcements, hiring and needs.
Pilot project on the process of transforming the goods logistics of the Union of Romagna Faentina
The project aims to involve stakeholders in the co-design of Proximity Logistics Spaces (SLP), identified in the PUMS of the Municipality of Faenza (approved by Municipal Council Resolution no. 65 of 30/09/2021) as a measure to support the extension of the ZTL.
The expected impacts and benefits from the activation of SLP (Proximity Logistics Spaces) mainly concern:
the reduction of congestion and pollutant emissions
the increase in safety
greater productivity for transport operators and the possibility of avoiding access to ZTL
the possibility of regenerating urban furniture through a process of reorganization of urban areas.
Beneficiary of the contribution: Union of Municipalities of Romagna Faentina – Municipality of Faenza
Project partners
- Clust-ER Build
- Clust-ER Innovate
- Fondazione Istituto sui Trasporti e la Logistica (ITL)
- Consorzio Con.Ami
- Prof. Claudio Lantieri (Dipartimento DICAM – UniBo)
Role of Clust-ER Innovate
Clust-ER Innovate is involved in the technological component of the project.

A Digital Twins-enabled platform for a REsilient and Sustainable production in the InduSTry 5.0 era (RESIST0)
The fourth industrial revolution (I4.0) establishes that digital transformation is an essential process for companies that intend to strengthen their competitiveness on the global market. The new I5.0 revolution raises the bar by placing emphasis on challenges of resilience, sustainability and a “human-centric” growth vision.
RESIST0 intends to take on these challenges by offering the industrial manufacturing sector tools to improve the resilience and sustainability of its production cycles. In particular, the project will develop digital services, offered through a software platform, for the management of production lines and the supply chain based on the use of Digital Twins and supported by IT technologies such as Cloud/Edge Computing, Big Data and AI.
Through the software platform, the company will be able to define digital models of the company assets dedicated to production, have a virtual environment in which to carry out, in total safety for humans and machines, simulations of the production lines’ processes, and finally build a reliable supply chain starting from an innovative rating
model of the players in the supply chain based on social and environmental sustainability parameters.
Project partners
- CIRI-ICT, Interdepartmental Center for Industrial Research of the University of Bologna
- MechLav Industrial research laboratory of the Ferrara Tecnopolo
- Artificial Intelligence Research and Innovation Center (AIRI), Interdepartmental Research Center of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
- Clust-ER Innovate
Role of Clust-ER Innovate
Clust-ER Innovate manages WP5. Dissemination of results, in which he will take care of project communication and dissemination of results, including the creation of a virtual laboratory to demonstrate the results obtained.

Cyber Range for Industrial Security - CRI4.0
The ever-increasing need for skills to detect and address cyber-security threats requires highly qualified experts who undergo constant training on attack scenarios as similar as possible to real ones. A Cyber Range is a specific interpretation, tailored to Cyber-Security scenarios, of the concept of digital twin, which is designed to effectively replicate a real physical object/system in a virtual system. The versatility of the Cyber Range lies in the ability to design and deploy fully customizable operational scenarios depending on the training objectives.
The goal of this project is to create a Cyber Range entirely dedicated to the manufacturing industrial sector that can be used by companies in the sector and serve as an interdisciplinary laboratory to test the security of industrial plants and train current and future specialists. The project aims to provide a pilot implementation of a Cyber Range deployed in a virtual environment (cloud), as well as the set of software tools necessary to deploy it equivalently on a user’s private infrastructure, such as the companies involved in the project.
Project partners
- Technology Transfer Consortium T3 LAB of the University of Bologna
- CRIS Interdepartmental Research Centre on Safety and Risk Prevention of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
- IN4 Industrial Research HUB of the Ferrara Technopole
- Clust-ER Innovate
Role of Clust-ER Innovate
The Clust-ER Innovate has the management of WP5. Dissemination of results, in which he will take care of project communication and dissemination of results, including the creation of a virtual laboratory to demonstrate the results obtained.

Data-driven IT Services for Sustainable and Efficient Manufacturing (DISSEM)
Sustainable manufacturing is the mantra of modern Industry 5.0 applications and the aim is to improve the quality of production processes to enable Zero Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) and Zero Waste Manufacturing (ZWM), and therefore produce with zero defects and zero waste.
ZDM and ZWM require innovative Big Data and Machine Learning (ML) solutions. The project therefore intends to address the problem by extending the IT platforms already developed by the partnership by introducing new methodologies and tools. In the ML field, the topics of real-time inference, the quality of data generated by production equipment and on-board machine learning will be addressed. In the Big Data field, MLOps solutions will be created to keep ML models updated and efficient as production processes change and enable dynamic and contextual learning. To achieve these ambitious objectives, the project will make use of a partnership of motivated laboratories and companies with proven skills.
The Big Data and ML services created by the project will be validated in real use cases provided by the partnership companies and specifically selected because they are highly representative.
With DISSEM, companies in Emilia-Romagna will have a high TRL “semi-finished product” that can be easily customized for their production processes.
Project partners
- MechLav Industrial research laboratory of the Ferrara Tecnopolo
- CIRI-ICT, Interdepartmental Center for Industrial Research of the University of Bologna
- CRIS Interdepartmental Research Center on Safety and Risk Prevention of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
- Clust-ER Innovate
Role of Clust-ER Innovate
Clust-ER Innovate manages WP5. Dissemination of results, in which he will take care of project communication and dissemination of results, including the creation of a virtual laboratory to demonstrate the results obtained.

The Emilia-Romagna Region approved Regional Law 2/2023 on February 21, 2023, called “Attraction, retention, and enhancement of highly specialized talents in Emilia-Romagna,” a law created to attract and retain talents: highly specialized individuals who can find a job, a professional or research space, or embark on a path of further advanced training in Emilia-Romagna.
Furthermore, from the work of the group, a manifesto has emerged that groups together the founding values of the project.
Role of Clust-ER Innovate
The laboratory focuses on the feasibility study of a drone delivery service for medicines to improve the timeliness of care in emergency situations and accessibility to healthcare services in remote areas.
The laboratory involves multidisciplinary skills and various categories of stakeholders to address the technological challenges related to the development of drones for this purpose, organizational-logistical issues, and those related to the acceptance of innovation by people.
Project partners
- Chamber of Commerce of Romagna through its special company CISE
- Clust-ER Mechatronics and Motor Engineering
- Clust-ER Innovation in Services
- Clust-ER Health and Wellness
Role of Clust-ER Innovate
The Clust-ER Innovation in Services Association will participate in the project as a partner and will be responsible for stakeholder management and engagement of technical-logistical stakeholders and support for project coordination regarding the relevant areas. It will contribute to the development of technical-economic feasibility and the identification of opportunities to realize a future application project. It will collaborate in the development of communication activities and dissemination in the relevant contexts and channels.
Lab Move Up
The Lab MOVE-UP project aims to develop innovative corporate welfare systems based on mobility policies for companies in the Port of Ravenna. The project intends to develop a territorial network among stakeholders, businesses, particularly small and medium-sized port entities, and public bodies for the benefit of the port workers’ community to increase the perceived satisfaction of employees, while simultaneously reducing congestion and improving the relationship between urban and port areas.
A summary of the activities that will be carried out:
• Stakeholder engagement – preliminary activity
• 7 thematic comparison workshops and co-design with stakeholders;
• 4 meetings for the development of pre-feasibility analyses for the implementation of pilot actions (to be identified in the process),
• Communication actions (launch and final event) and awareness-raising (campaign to support the Community and initiate the pilot action)

Project partners
- Clust-ER Association Innovation in Services – INNOVATE
- Clust-ER Urban Economy – URBAN
- ITL – Foundation Institute for Transport and Logistics
- Port System Authority of the Northern Adriatic Sea
- Confindustria Romagna
- Port Cooperative soc. coop.
- FILT CGIL Ravenna – Italian Federation of Transport Workers
- FIT CISL – Italian Federation of Transport Emilia-Romagna regional secretariat
- Legacoop Romagna
- UIL Transport Ravenna
- Confcooperative Romagna
Role of Clust-ER Innovate
In the context of the “Lab MOVE-UP” project, Clust-ER Innovate will act as a TECHNICAL PARTNER and is committed to carrying out the following activities:
- Support the phase of identification, awareness, and engagement of the stakeholders of the port cluster
- Creation of a community of mobility managers of the port cluster
- Support in activating 4 thematic laboratories by systematizing ongoing projects.
- Contribute to the realization of a functional pre-feasibility analysis for the potential activation of a pilot project with companies
- Contribute to the communication and dissemination of the project
National and International working groups and projects
European Wireless ICT S3 partnership
This partnership aims to help to develop and implement a common strategy enabling investments in the field of fast and energy- and resource-efficient wireless ICT. The thematic working areas are Health, Future sustainable industry, Autonomous vehicles and Smart cities/regions
Advanced CoMputing Continuum Solutions for Boosting DigITalization across European RegionS – AMBITIOUS
This project falls under the Interregional Innovation Investments Instrument (i3) and involves 18 partners from 5 countries: Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Greece, and Sweden.
The main objective of AMBITIOUS is to provide a technological infrastructure that will offer advanced data aggregation and cleaning, analysis, AI-enabled forecasting, and secure information exchange mechanisms, through a transparent computing continuum infrastructure, to be integrated with the existing services (at least TRL6) of stakeholders (SMEs), opening up functionalities that were previously unimaginable and creating new avenues for commercial exploitation.
Role of Clust-ER Innovate
Clust-ER Innovate is a project partner and supports the Work Package WP 4 Demonstrations and Piloting, which aims to plan, implement, validate and evaluate the pilot tests of AMBITIOUS in the seven use cases

Excellence in green and digital manufacturing - EXCEED
This project aims to establish a European COVE network of 6 centers in 5 countries: Italy, Spain, Finland, the Czech Republic, and Greece, in order to support innovation and sustainable competitiveness in the advanced manufacturing (AM) sector. EXCEED envisions the synergistic and mutually beneficial application of digital and green, according to the so-called “digital eco-innovation” paradigm and the transition towards a digital circular economy as powerful levers to accelerate innovation in AM.
Involving 39 public-private partners, of which 18 are full-time and 21 are associated, EXCEED will function as an integrated and active ecosystem of skills, promoting the reskilling and training of adults and low-skilled workers, enhancing through the design of new programs and updating existing ones, adopting joint strategies for talent management, reskilling, and upskilling of education and vocational training (VET) professionals.
In 4 years, the partners expect to engage at least 600 apprentices and a total of 26,000 beneficiaries through an extensive multichannel communication strategy.
Role of Clust-ER Innovate
Clust-ER Innovate is a partner of the project and supports the Work Package on the dissemination, training and management of focus groups.

The European Interreg Europe DEBUTING Project is an initiative dedicated to the promotion of gender equality in the business context. The main goal of this project is to spread economic progress through inclusion and gender awareness. The project aims to support the improvement of opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in order to make them more competitive by 2026, focusing on promoting gender equality.
Specific project initiatives include:
Increased entrepreneurial skills: It is expected to increase the entrepreneurial skills of more than 7500 SMEs. This will be achieved by promoting a more inclusive corporate culture and supporting the development of innovative business models.
Awareness of gender equality: The project aims to raise awareness of the potential and importance of adopting approaches to gender equality within companies.
Improvement of existing measures and development of new initiatives: The project is committed to improving the efficiency of existing measures aimed at promoting gender equality in the workplace. In addition, work will be done to design new and innovative initiatives in this area and to improve monitoring and evaluation with appropriate indicators.
Involvement of policy makers and business combinations: The project aims to increase the awareness and capacities of policy makers and business organisations on the importance of gender equality as a critical element for the growth and competitiveness of SMEs.
Project Partner
Currently, the project involves 11 partners from 10 different regions. There will be 33 interregional policy learning events, as well as at least 22 shared best practices and 80 meetings of regional stakeholder groups, involving 87 organisations.
Role of Clust-ER Innovate
Clust-ER Innovate is a partner of the project and supports the Work Package on the dissemination, training and management of focus groups.

The PENELOPE-PROJECT aims to develop, transfer and implement innovative practices for gender mainstreaming strategies in European SMEs, following a cluster-based approach to build gender-inclusive structures, promote online cooperation and blended learning opportunities between EU industrial clusters and their SMEs. The project is funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme.
Role of Clust-ER Innovate
Clust-ER participates in this project as a bearer of case histories and contributes to the European white paper of best practices.

Using virtual and smart heritage tourism as its main framework, the MetaHeritage project experiments with ‘out of the box’ approaches and innovative possibilities for interregional networking, increasing the capacity of regional innovation ecosystems in less developed regions, and coordinated and interconnected interregional investment attraction strategies and tactics.
In this way, the basis is created for the application of innovative business models and for the sustainable development of heritage and tourism. In particular, the following are examined: heritage/cultural routes (networks that thematically connect historically or culturally significant places, heritage sites and other tourist attractions in one or more regions and countries) cultural heritage-based metaverses (combination of so-called immersive technologies such as 3D, virtual reality and augmented reality) as models to increase interregional investments, capacity building and active involvement of Quadruple Helix stakeholders: regional clusters, companies (in particular heritage companies and destination management organizations, as well as digital providers), research institutes, GLAM institutions, civil society organizations, public administrations and other stakeholders.
These approaches are adaptable to the unique characteristics and needs of each region, allowing for tailored interventions and strategies that maximize impact and effectiveness. Entrepreneurial innovations related to cultural heritage involve the application of creative and forward-looking approaches to businesses that have their own corporate heritage or are rooted in cultural heritage. The convergence of cultural and corporate heritage, the Metaverse, interregional innovation and smart specialisation in virtual and heritage tourism represents a dynamic and ‘out of the box’ approach to interregional development and economic growth.
Role of Clust-ER Innovate
Clust-ER participates in this project as a bearer of case histories and contributes to the European white paper of best practices.